Committees and Priorities-Newhouse Pt 1
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. U.S.Representative Dan Newhouse begins his term in the 119th Congress with three House subcommittee reappointments including agriculture, Energy and Water Development, and Homeland Security.
For agriculture, Newhouse says he’ll focus on his district in Central Washington …
NEWHOUSE … “Specialty crops is an area that needs focus and attention on the Ag Committee and so I will particularly be bringing that perspective.”
And for Washington, of course, Newhouse says forestry issues …
NEWHOUSE … “We have, obviously, a lot of forests industry concerns and issues in the Pacific Northwest whether it relates to wildfires or markets and all the kinds of things that make the forest industry viable.”
Which, Newhouse says is a big deal here …
NEWHOUSE … “That is under the Ag Committee and under one of my new subcommittees. And so, I’m very happy about that because that’s important to my district besides the entire state.”
Including, Newhouse says the Forest Service’s decision to withdraw proposed changes to old-growth management
NEWHOUSE … “I think that takes us much closer to being more successful at managing our old-growth forests in the United States and getting back to local control versus federal, one-size-fits-all rules that really aren’t that effective.”
Tune in tomorrow for more on Congressional priorities for the new year.