California Ag Today
Focused on keeping local farmers, ranchers, agribusiness men, and women up to date on agriculture industry issues that affect California's rural economy.
Focused on keeping local farmers, ranchers, agribusiness men, and women up to date on agriculture industry issues that affect California's rural economy.
California Ag Today
Early reports suggest the 2024 vintage could be the smallest since 2004, marking a turning point as the industry grapples with oversupply.
California Ag Today
In California, a regulation from the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health, or Cal/OSHA, dating to 1977, has prohibited the use of autonomous agricultural equipment without a driver at the helm.
California Ag Today
Peter Ansel, California Farm Bureau, explains how legislation helped to create a viable solution for agricultural insurance in the wake of increased wildfire activity.
California Ag Today
Madison Dixon, Associate Director of the Agricultural Autonomy Institute, talks about the intersection of agriculture and autonomous system technologies.
California Ag Today
Mackenzie Bressler, a Colusa, California native, took over as Executive Director of the organization earlier this month.
California Ag Today
The American Beef Labeling Act would require the U.S. Trade Representative, in consultation with the USDA, to develop a World Trade Organization-compliant means of reinstating MCOOL for beef within one year of enactment.
California Ag Today
A new bill, approved by the U.S. House on Wednesday is from California’s own, Representative David Valadao and could update technology used to fight wildfires from the sky.
California Ag Today
To protect U.S. livestock and other animals, APHIS halted shipments of Mexican cattle and bison in November 2024 after a positive detection of New World screwworm (NWS) in southern Mexico.
California Ag Today
Bernt Nelson, economist with the American Farm Bureau, says this is not a typical cattle cycle where high prices lead to growth in the cattle herd.
California Ag Today
The FDA has released its draft guidance for industry on the labeling of plant-based alternatives to animal-derived foods. The comment period is open until March.
California Ag Today
California Farm Bureau, representing over 26,000 farm and ranch families, has confirmed that despite those reports of unease, there is no widespread disruption to the state's agricultural workforce.
California Ag Today
Just updated from the USDA, a food price outlook for 2025 and, if you’re like many, your eyes are going to scan for one item: eggs. What is the executive department of United States agriculture anticipating?
California Ag Today
According to a recent study, the cost to California’s lettuce growers of complying with the state’s environmental, labor and food safety regulations has surged 63.7% over the past seven years.
California Ag Today
Built with the joint input of growers, vintners, and allied industry members, the Unified Wine and Grape Symposium has served as a clearinghouse of information important to wine and grape industry professionals for more than 30 years.
California Ag Today
Senator Anna M. Caballero has introduced Senate Bill 72, known as California Water for All. The legislation sets an interim goal of adding 9 million acre-feet of water supply by 2040, with a 50-year planning horizon to guide long-term targets.
California Ag Today
One in eight Californians struggles with food insecurity, and milk is one of the most requested yet least donated items at food banks. But thanks to the creativity of California’s student dairy advocates, that’s changing.
California Ag Today
According to the National Park Service, two beef ranches not party to the agreement will remain in operation at the Seashore, continuing a long historical tradition of livestock production.
California Ag Today
New Culture, a company boasting its ability to combine traditional cheese-making and innovative food science to make a cheese that stretches, melts, and tastes like the real deal, has now, according to their website, submitted their product label and registration for approval by the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
California Ag Today
Beginning the list is the confirmation of Brooke Rollins as Secretary of Agriculture.
California Ag Today
Historically referred to as “SB 88 regulations,” it’s required that diverters in the State record water diversion and use and then submit annual reports.
California Ag Today
AFBF President Zippy Duvall praised some changes while being critical of others.
California Ag Today
Foot-and-mouth disease is a serious and highly contagious animal disease that affects all cloven-hoofed animals including cattle, sheep, goats, camelids, deer and pigs.
California Ag Today
This funding is part of a $70 million nationwide effort to combat invasive plant pests and diseases, ensuring the health of agriculture and natural resources.
California Ag Today
If you or someone you know has been affected by the Los Angeles Fires and needs a location to shelter small or large animals, here is the information you need.