ELAP Opens Up to Dairy Producers Harmed by H5N1
With California Ag Today, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.If you’re in the dairy industry and you’ve seen financial hardship due to H5N1, listen up!
As of today, the USDA is accepting applications for its updated Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP). While there are obviously several sectors of agriculture that can apply one goal of this ELAP period is to provide financial assistance to eligible dairy producers who incur milk losses due to a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza infection in their dairy herds.
The Farm Service Agency expanded ELAP through the rule-making process to assist with a portion of financial losses resulting from reduced milk production when cattle are removed from commercial milking in dairy herds having a confirmed positive H5N1 test. Positive tests must be confirmed through the National Veterinary Service Laboratories.
“USDA remains committed to working with producers, state veterinarians, animal health professionals, and federal partners as we continue to detect the presence of H5N1 in dairy herds and take additional measures to contain the disease spread,” says Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack. “We’re committed to providing the support needed to help producers recover.”