Committees and Priorities-Newhouse Pt 2

Committees and Priorities-Newhouse Pt 2

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. Heading into the 119th Congress, Sunnyside Republican Dan Newhouse is setting his priorities for his House committee and subcommittee work.

As a member of the House Appropriations subcommittee for agriculture, Newhouse says along with specialty crops and forestry issues, growers have other needs …

NEWHOUSE … “One of the things that I’ve always said is that agriculture needs to have strong research priorities in place to keep us on the cutting edge, to keep us viable in a very competitive global market. So, I’m very happy to be on the subcommittee that will focus on agricultural research.”

And, Newhouse says we need look no further than Pullman where …

NEWHOUSE … “We have a premier institution in the state of Washington at Washington State University.”

Next on the list, Newhouse says

NEWHOUSE … “And then the aspects related to conservation. It’s always been important in the state of Washington and my subcommittee assignments will focus on conservation efforts as well, and I’m very happy about that.”

And while that’s a lot to tackle, Newhouse feels his committee appointments will be a big help …

NEWHOUSE … “I think some of the most important things that we deal with on the Ag Committee will allow me to have a strong voice for our Pacific Northwest ag industry and our farmers.”

Newhouse also works on the House Select Committee between the U.S. and Chinese Communist Party.

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