Potatoes USA Chip Committee Restructured

Potatoes USA Chip Committee Restructured

Recently the Potatoes USA Chip Committee went through a reorganization, Director of Research and Analysis Ryan Krabill says that there were five different entities included within the Chip Committee — that was consolidated down to two sub-committees. The first is the Steering Committee which is more involved on regular basis and meets more frequently than the entire committee. He continues with the description of the second sub-committee
Krabill: “We’re calling it the technical advisory committee. Basically it is made up of growers and also the variety selection folks from the past structure — so there are breeders and growers, and processors all represented in this technical advisory committee. They are really dialed in. They are involved in a lot of the variety selection decisions, deciding on particular research projects and the merit they may or may not have specific to the chip sector.”
Krabill explains that in addition to the restructure, they also created an operation manual to include the many processes. He continues
Krabill: “So you have the National Chip Variety Trial Program which is completely and purely focused on variety development — is part of the National Chip Program — as an umbrella program. Then further within the Variety Trial Program you have the National Chip Processor Trials.”


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