USPB CEO Shares Exciting Challenge to Industry
The United States Potato Board President/CEO Blair Richardson presented an exciting challenge to all who attended the recent Potato Expo in Orlando: help place potato-friendly salad bars in school cafeterias across the country.Richardson: “If the industry is supportive of this program and it is approved. Then we’d like to match up to 1,500 salad bars to donate to the schools — which in total would be 3,000 salad bars which is more or less one salad bar for each potato farming family in the United States and also happens to equal the total number of salad bars donated through this program by all the produce industry in the United States to date. So it is a fairly significant statement on behalf of the industry and behalf of our interest in educating future consumers on how they can eat potatoes in a healthy and enjoyable way.”
Between now and the March US Potato Board meeting, the USPB is asking all industry members to let their USPB representatives know what they think of this idea. Richardson says that both the Millennial generation and Generation Z — which are those in the school system now — look at life differently and get their information differently than older generations.
Richardson: “So we’ve got to start thinking from their perspective instead of our perspective. This is one step in that direction.”