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56 Results
Idaho Ag Today
University of Idaho will host the 57th annual Idaho Potato Conference Jan. 22-23, offering the latest research and news in the potato industry.
The Agribusiness Update
With agricultural overuse and drought draining aquifers in Arizona, the state is suing Saudi Arabia-based Fondomonte, and the USDA’s monthly wheat outlook shows a jump in export forecasts thanks to weaker exports from Russia and the EU.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. Grains Council met with key Chinese stakeholders to discuss the eco-friendly benefits of the Corn Sustainability Assurance Protocol, and Amp Americas, a dairy renewable natural gas company has completed a project that converts dairy waste into RNG.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
It’s called the Defending Against Manipulative Negotiators, or DAMN, Act and it’s intended to stop the use of federal funds from being used to breach or alter any or all of the Lower Snake River dams.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
It’s called the Defending Against Manipulative Negotiators, or DAMN, Act and it’s intended to stop the use of federal funds from being used to breach or alter any or all of the Lower Snake River dams.
The Agribusiness Update
Stakeholders gather in Sacramento to discuss California's water future, and weather-related crop losses in 2022 reach more than $21 billion according to American Farm Bureau estimates.
Fruit Grower Report
A pair of bills in Olympia, one in the House and one in the Senate, are revisiting the buffer bill that, Washington Policy Center Ag Research Director, Pam Lewison believes needs much more discussion before a plan can be finalized.
Fruit Grower Report
A pair of bills in Olympia, one in the House and one in the Senate, are revisiting the buffer bill that, Washington Policy Center Ag Research Director, Pam Lewison believes needs much more discussion before a plan can be finalized.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Oregon farmer John Iverson says the upcoming election is an important time for agriculture stakeholders to cast their votes!
The Agribusiness Update
California appellate court rules in favor of longtime water rights holders, and EPA withdraws interim approval of glyphosate while investigation continues.
The Agribusiness Update
State says more California water curtailments expected, and Rural land markets continue to surge.
The Agribusiness Update
California offers water diversion certification to ag producers, and USDA updates three key crop insurance options.
The Agribusiness Update
Farmers and ranchers are likely to see further irrigation restrictions in California's Russian River watershed, and Purdue University releases results from a survey on consumers opinions on the next Farm bill.
The Agribusiness Update
Avian Influenza has been detected in bald eagles in Georgia, and Perdue University releases results from a survey to get consumer opinions on policy priorities in the next Farm Bill.
The Agribusiness Update
The first 2023 Farm Bill listening session has been announced, and the SHIP IT Act has been introduced in the House.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Washington Farm Bureau Government Relations Director, Tom Davis breaks down the good and bad for agriculture in the just finished legislative session in Olympia.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Washington Farm Bureau Government Relations Director, Tom Davis breaks down the good and bad for agriculture in the just finished legislative session in Olympia.
Fruit Grower Report
Washington State Tree Fruit Association president Jon DeVaney gives his thoughts on HB 1838, the Buffer Bill, that proposes to expand the riparian mitigation zones along rivers, streams and lakes to 100-250 feet.
Fruit Grower Report
Washington State Tree Fruit Association president Jon DeVaney gives his thoughts on HB 1838, the Buffer Bill, that proposes to expand the riparian mitigation zones along rivers, streams and lakes to 100-250 feet.
The Agribusiness Update
The 28th Annual Cattlemen's College was held in Nashville last week as part of the NCBA Trade Show, and USDA invests $500-million in rural healthcare.