Buffer Bill Revisited Pt 1
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with today’s Fruit Grower Report. Apparently not satisfied with how last year’s Buffer bill was received, legislators have offered up new bills to try and improve fish habitat.I asked Pam Lewison, Ag Research Director at the Washington Policy Center, if these bills were any better than last year’s? …
LEWISON … “I mean, is this bill better than last year’s? I think that’s kind of up in the air, may up for debate, but what is interesting about this year’s version of the Buffer Bill is that it effectively tries, or appears to try, to duplicate the Voluntary Stewardship Program with less stakeholder input.”
So, these new bills, Lewison says are still shaky …
LEWISON … “This new set of bills is habitat creation at the expense of farmland preservation, in my opinion.”
But, Lewison says they do give exemptions to those who lose 50% or more of their farmland …
LEWISON … “I would ask any business owner, in any other form of operation, what would happen if 50% of their business disappeared? And they would say, I would have to close. I would no longer be in business. And yet, we as farmers, are told you’ll have to make a go of it with half as much productive acreage as before.”
Tune in tomorrow for more on two new Buffer bills in Olympia.