Well System Proposal Pt 2

Well System Proposal Pt 2

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. Is the Washington State Department of Health going too far with proposed regulations that could make exemptions for shared wells overly burdensome?

Dillon Honcoop, with Save Family Farming, says there are questions about whether the DOH has the authority to make these changes that could lead to the potential loss of affordable housing for farmworkers …

HONCOOP … “That’s a big part of this concern as well is that the state Department of Health has not gone through the correct process for the kind of change that they’re trying to make. It’s very questionable whether they have the legal authority to make the kind of change that they’re talking about. They’re basically reinterpreting state law, which is something that’s under the purview of the legislature.”

Honcoop wonders if this is just bureaucracy run amok …

HONCOOP … “It seems to be, you know, a solution looking for a problem and it’s disappointing that that kind of thing is being pursued when farms and farmworkers, with wages and changes in what’s available to them, are already pushing people to the brink financially, farms and farmworkers.”

On top of that, Honcoop says it’s repetitive …

HONCOOP … “It requires now, at least what has been proposed, is that farms would be required to reapply for this exemption every five years. So, it would be an endless cycle of paperwork to prove that you’re exempt.”

Honcoop says at least a dozen ag groups have requested a meeting to discuss their concerns with the Department of Health as soon as possible.

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