Bringing Autonomy to Sod Farms

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Sabanto, the autonomous tractor company, is helping farmers work smarter, not harder with their remote operating technology. The kit installs on your current fleet and takes care of mundane fieldwork for all types of crops, but is especially attractive to labor-intensive operations, like sod farms.
Rupp… “Most sod farmers are row crop farmers, and a lot of them rotate soybeans and sod for the nitrogen. In terms of the ROI, a lot of it is dependent upon the size of the operation, and we feel that we have payback in less than six months and it all comes down to reducing the fleet size because we're running longer hours. Plus they're paying people, you know, $20 an hour to sit on that tractor. So they view us as we're the type of company that can come in and we can reallocate our labor more effectively.”
That’s founder Craig Rupp, who says the autonomous application works any time of day and can include multiple tractors in one field.
Rupp… “They mow every two days. You know, they do 70 passes a year. And it turns out they're, they're performing over a million acres of just mowing alone. And then they're rolling, they're aerating, aggravating, and they're also seeding as well. So we're, we're doing a lot of field operations for sod farms right now.”
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