Improving the Produce Experience

Improving the Produce Experience

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
This is Tim Hammerich of the Ag Information Network with your Farm of the Future Report.

Only on the job for about four months now, Apeel’s new CEO Luiz Beling has ambitious plans for the company. Building on their initial success with a coating that prolongs the shelf life of fresh produce, Beling is laser focused on where the company can go from here.

Beling… “There's also two other products in the pipeline around coating that could be really cool to launch on top of our initial coating. Which is: think about a way to maybe treat antifungal, but plant-based which will be really cool technology for postharvest. We also have a formulation that brings a little bit of shine. What we learned is in some of the produce that we're treating, having that better appearance represents something that retailers and consumers want. So we have those two formulations.”

In addition to expanding their coatings, Beling is also very excited about their new RipeTrack platform to help customers measure and track ripeness throughout the supply chain.

Beling… “We're in that beta phase where they're trialing. They're starting to provide a lot of great feedback. I think we need to fine tune that product and then drive a broader adoption of RipeTrack through the industry to ultimately lead to a better experience to consumers and retailers and suppliers.”

Beling said that Appell will continue to develop science-backed, technology-supported solutions that improve the produce experience.

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