WOTUS Repeal
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. The Senate may be poised to join the House in passing a repeal of the EPA’s controversial ‘Waters of the U.S.’ rule, even as the president threatens to veto the measure.Top Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, West Virginia’s Shelley Moore Capito (CAP-ih-toe) boasts 49 GOP cosponsors of a WOTUS repeal, needing just two Democrats to pass it …
CAPITO … “And we will have it on the Senate floor on the following week. And I expect it to pass on the Senate floor.”
House Ag members like Iowa’s Randy Feenstra argue the Biden EPA rule rushed out in December ahead of an expected Supreme Court WOTUS decision is an unneeded burden on U.S. ag …
FEENSTRA … “Whether it be plowing, moving a fence, putting in a fence, it is now all under the jurisdiction of the EPA, which in essence, could fine them if not done correctly or if they didn’t get a permit.”
Prompting Senator Capito to argue a majority of the country, reflected in the House and Senate, wants an end to overregulation …
CAPITO … “Stop with the overregulation, the overburdensome rules that you put forward.”
Capito acknowledges Biden has formally threatened to veto a WOTUS repeal measure but argues, “it’s the right thing to do.”