Search: vote
147 Results
147 Results
The Agribusiness Update
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is reminding all producers that the Corporate Transparency Act filing requirements are back in effect, and the European Parliament voted to delay implementation of a deforestation regulation for one year, a reprieve for U.S. cattlemen.
The Agribusiness Update
56% of agricultural economists in the latest Monthly Monitor say U.S. ag ended 2024 in a recession, and the prospect of new tariff disputes when Donald Trump returns to the White House has the global economy in an uncertain position.
Idaho Ag Today
Idaho Water Resource Board (IWRB) voted to approve 11 new groundwater-to- surface water irrigation conversion projects for $13.3 million.
The Agribusiness Update
A major victory for the meat industry as California voters in Sonoma County overwhelmingly voted down a controversial ballot proposal to phase out large farms, and a recent study shows some dairy workers had signs of H5N1 infection even when they didn’t report feeling sick.
The Agribusiness Update
A major victory for the meat industry as California voters in Sonoma County overwhelmingly voted down a controversial ballot proposal to phase out large farms, and a recent study shows some dairy workers had signs of H5N1 infection even when they didn’t report feeling sick.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse applauds a bipartisan vote in the House of Representatives that passed the Fix our Forests Act to restore forest health and increase resiliency to catastrophic wildfires.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse applauds a bipartisan vote in the House of Representatives that passed the Fix our Forests Act to restore forest health and increase resiliency to catastrophic wildfires.
The Agribusiness Update
A federal judge blocked the U.S. Labor Department from enforcing a rule in 17 states that would prevent ag employers from retaliating against workers with H-2A visas for joining unions, and the latest results from survey on whether consumers believe politicians can address high food prices.
The Agribusiness Update
A federal judge blocked the U.S. Labor Department from enforcing a rule in 17 states that would prevent ag employers from retaliating against workers with H-2A visas for joining unions, and the latest results from survey on whether consumers believe politicians can address high food prices.
The Agribusiness Update
Georgia farmers devoted more land to peanuts, hay and oats in 2024 compared to last year, according to the June Acreage Report from the NASS, and the FFA State Officer Summit brought leaders from all 50 states and territories to Washington D.C. last month.
The Agribusiness Update
Georgia farmers devoted more land to peanuts, hay and oats in 2024, and the U.S. made a strong case under the USMCA dispute with Mexico over genetically engineered corn.
The Agribusiness Update
Republicans push $1.5 Trillion farm bill through the House with the help of four critical Democratic votes, and USDA is investing in domestic fertilizer projects to strengthen competition for U.S. agriculture.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Legislation to delist the gray wolf passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 209-205.
The Agribusiness Update
Georgia vegetable producers voted to extend the one-cent-per-marketing-unit checkoff fee on 14 key vegetable crops for another three years, and the National Agricultural Aviation Association is asking all drone operators to be mindful of low-altitude manned aircraft this growing season.
The Agribusiness Update
Six major commodity groups sent a letter to the ITC encouraging a NO vote in advancing a petition from Corteva Agribusiness, and forecasters say the spring severe weather season may quickly shift into high gear with favorable tornado conditions over the next few weeks.
Fruit Grower Report
The Washington State Tree Fruit Association is urging members and others in agriculture to let your legislators know they should not be supporting SB 5996.
Fruit Grower Report
The Washington State Tree Fruit Association is urging members and others in agriculture to let your legislators know they should not be supporting SB 5996.
The Agribusiness Update
The California Farm Bureau endorses 2024 ballot initiative to give voters the final decision on approving new local and state taxes, and new legal action would require the EPA to immediately suspend and cancel glyphosate.
The Agribusiness Update
Farmers along the California-Oregon border have reported millions of dollars in losses from a torrent of grasshoppers and Mormon crickets, and Congress introduces legislation to give organic producers tools to increase capacity, reach new markets, and grow businesses.
The Agribusiness Update
The USDA has extended the deadline for the Specialty Crop Multi-State Program Request for Application, and Congress introduces legislation to give organic producers tools to increase capacity, reach new markets, and grow businesses.