With today’s Fruit Grower Report, I’m Bob Larson. If you’re headed to this year’s Washington State Tree Fruit Association Annual Meeting next month in Yakima, you will get to hear Mike Willett, a long-time member of our tree fruit industry.Willett will be one of the featured speakers, so I asked him, what his biggest concerns for the industry are today …
WILLETT … “I can say, Bob, that I was really disappointed with the really difficult times we’ve had with trade with China over the past few years.”
Willett says it’s a somewhat volatile relationship …
WILLETT … “The changes that opened up the apple market in China to us really had just come into effect before the U.S. government imposed a number of tariffs on Chinese products, and then they counteracted with tariffs on a lot of our agricultural products from the United States.”
And that, Willett says really hurt …
WILLETT … “It really dampened our ability to do business, and then, on top of that, the whole supply chain challenges that people are facing now, which I think will get sorted out, but I think we’ve entered a new phase of our relationship with China. I just don’t know if it’s going to be as rosy as we once had thought it might have been.”
So moving forward, Willett says …
WILLETT … “But I can’t predict the future about what that’s going to mean for the broader world apple market, but their situation is changing and I think we need to be aware of that.”
Tune in tomorrow for more on what Willett will be talking about at this year’s NW Hort Expo … December 6-7-8 in Yakima.