Bushel Acquires FarmLogs - Part Two

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Recently, ag technology company Bushel announced they were acquiring the farm management software platform, FarmLogs. Bushel creates digital infrastructure for agricultural commodity handlers, which might cause some to question why they wanted to add farm management software to the company. Jesse Vollmar was a co-founder of FarmLogs and now is vice president of farm strategy at Bushel.
Vollmar… “Bushel has been working on collecting and standardizing that data from the supply chain and farm logs is the interface to provision some context around that data for the grower to actually consume it in a way that applies to their business. For instance, you can take that input purchase data for all the prices you paid for all your agronomy inputs. When we see that product being used on a particular field, we can automatically accrue that expense out to that field on that per unit cost basis. So we're giving the farmer a full, very detailed field level P and L, and they really don't have to do much work at all. It's just kind of flowing automatically. That's really where we think there's some incredibly exciting opportunities to take the core pieces of business information that a farmer needs digitize them by connecting through our partners in the supply chain, and then providing that context around that data to the farmers so they can make better decisions.”
Vollmar hopes this will help farmers better manage their p&ls.