California Almond Crop Drops and Bayer's SCOTUS Roundup Appeal
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Udpate.**The USDA’s National Ag Statistic Service reports the 2021 California almond crop will come in at 2.8 billion meat pounds, 10% below last year’s record of 3.1 billion.
According, the drop comes during a very difficult water year across California and as the almond industry navigates a complex market, with record shipments but returns to growers down from recent years.
**The USDA will invest $69 million to address critical food and nutrition security needs of low-income communities, enhance the resilience of food and healthcare systems impacted by the pandemic, and maximize funds reaching participants.
This is one of several key steps USDA is taking to ensure access to healthy and nutritious food in all communities.
20 awards totaling $61.5 million are for Nutrition Incentive Grants, and 15 awards worth $7.5 million are for Produce Prescription Grants.
**As promised last month, Bayer has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the $25-million award to a California man who blamed Roundup herbicide for his cancer.
According to, the appeal is a key element in Bayer’s plan to resolve billions of dollars of claims against Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, the most used weedkiller in the world.
This was the first Roundup lawsuit heard by a federal jury and could influence thousands of other federal suits and pending cases.