Potato Variety Management Institute Pt 2
I’m Bob Larson. Over the past 14 years, the Potato Variety Management Institute has developed some pretty successful russets, the Umatilla, Ranger, Clearwater, and Blazer to name a few.PVMI Executive Director Jeanne Debons says they’ve got a pretty good track record for meeting the industry’s gold standard …
DEBONS … “It’s been successful and it’s been helped by the fact that a couple of our varieties were accepted by McDonalds, both in North America and in Europe. So, the demand for the varieties are increasing, more acreage, more royalties, more back to the universities.”
Debons says french fries are the most commonly eaten form of potatoes around the world and McDonalds is the largest producer of those …
DEBONS … “McDonalds has the highest standard. They call it the “Golden Fry” or “Mac Fry.” They have, actually, what they call “Golden Tongues” who are trained to look for the characteristics that they’re looking for.”
So, Debons says, everyone else follows suit …
DEBONS … “Their high standard actually trickles down to everyone else. So, if it’s accepted by McDonalds most of the other manufacturers of frozen French fries will accept it as well. That’s why they drive the market.”
Debons says that’s why they’re always looking for better …
DEBONS … “The breeding program is always looking to increase disease resistance, reduce inputs required, and shorten the growing time to get the most out of the potato and the best potato they can for the inputs.”
PVMI also builds trust and working relationships within the industry, and increases communications among them.