Newhouse Op-Ed on USMCA Pt 2
I’m Bob Larson. In an effort to express the importance of getting the USMCA up for a vote in Congress, U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse partnered with two other former state Ag Directors in an op-ed posted on The Hill, a popularpolitical website.
Newhouse says he hopes their backgrounds give them a certain amount of credibility when it comes to ag-related issues …
NEWHOUSE … “As Directors of Agriculture, I can tell you that that office provides, provided me, and I know my colleagues, with the unique experience of promoting the agricultural products from your state.”
Newhouse says not having the USMCA hits producers where it hurts …
NEWHOUSE … “Bottom line is it costs our ag industry money. I really does. And so, it’s critical that we get this agreement signed, get it passed, so that we can get on with the, truly the business of our state and our industry and further the opportunities for producers to be able to market their products to Canada and Mexico.”
But the goods, Newhouse says things may be moving in the right direction …
NEWHOUSE … “I think the momentum is starting to shift on that. I think the Speaker has made some indications that at some point, I hope before the end of the year, that this actually will be brought forward for consideration.”
Newhouse says the USMCA is the modernized trade agreement our country needs and our agriculture industries deserve.
He says without these kinds of agreements in place that just makes it really difficult to grow those markets so that we can continue to have a strong ag economy.
Read the Op-Ed at …