Pro Farmer Crop Tour Results
CliftonAllenLarson Principle and Farm CPA Today blogger Paul Neiffer just returned from Pro Farmer Crop Tour last week. He was on the Western leg of tour which was in parts of South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota. Neiffer sharesNeiffer: “I know the third day that we had 14 samples and 11 of them were over 200 bushels with a high of 269. Then on the fourth day we actually got into a 20-inch row field that that perfect weather and perfect disease conditions that had a sample of 324. We saw really good corn and soybeans look really good.
That was not the case however with what was seen on the eastern leg of the crop tour, through Ohio and Indiana. He continue
Neiffer: “Now there are certainly parts of Minnesota South Dakota, Iowa and even parts of Nebraska that aren’t as mature as they need to be. If there gets to be an early frost — that could certainly impact the yields for those states. That is the area that is really going to lift up the crop yield. That eastern leg — the Indiana, Ohio was pretty lousy — even worse than most everybody expected. It is going to require that Western part of the Corn Belt to jump in and bring up the yield.”
His estimate for the corn crop yield was at 164.5 bushels.
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