USDA Panel Provides Draft Copy of Report on MARC

USDA Panel Provides Draft Copy of Report on MARC

Yesterday USDA announced that its panel of four outside researchers stated in a draft report that they found no evidence of current animal abuse or mistreatment at the Nebraska USDA animal and meat research facility.
A January New York Times article highlighted alleged animal abuse at that Nebraskan research facility. That article also sparked the AWARE Act sponsored by Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauaer. The press conference announcing that new bill was orchestrated by the Humane Society of the United States.
Animal Agriculture Alliance Director of Communications Hannah Thompson shares
Thompson: “To be clear, we are not the experts on research. We don’t want to pass judgement on what is going on or what the investigation is or anything like that. We just really take opposition to what HSUS said and has used this opportunity as their pulpit to continue reinforcing negative images and untrue images of animal agriculture. That is really where we came in and how we got involved was saying let the official channels/experts do what they need to do to investigate this — and if there is wrongdoing absolutely we want that taken care of.”
According to the report findings, quote: “Without exception, the panel observed health and well-cared for animals. As a rule, animals were handled with care and professionalism by dedicated staff members. No instances of animal abuse, misuse or mistreatment were observed.” UNQUOTE
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