World Cup Innovations Thanks to Bayer
What do World Cup soccer players and farmers have in common? Well, Bayer Corporation has played a role in bringing new innovations and technologies to improve both soccer and agriculture. In 30-year partnership between Adidas and Bayer Material Science, the World Cup’s official match balls use specialty high-tech plastics as Bayer Material Science U.S. Business Spokesman Bob Walker explainsWalker: “Right now — we believe — the technology in the current ball the Brazuca ball that’s the official World Cup ball is better than ever before. And where Bayer fits into that partnership, we helped them with both materials and with technology. What I mean by that — the current ball you see in every match — utilizes high tech materials from Bayer Material Sciences.”
While the surface of conventional soccer balls consist of 12, 16 or even 32 panels, Walker shares the advantage of the Brazuca ball’s design of only six panels of identical shape
Walker: “The big advantage there is that there are less seams to obviously absorb less moisture and the panels of the Brazuca ball — those six panels are bonded together by very effective and exclusive Bayer material product — polyurethane product, adhesive.”
In addition to the match ball World Cup official footwear and clothing also benefit from Bayer Material Science’s technologies.
Today, the U.S. will play Belgium — go USA.