Hands-On Sustainable Lifestyle Event
Hands-On Sustainable Lifestyle EventI'm Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.
The Mother Earth News magazine has been around for more than forty years and has over 3 million subscribers around the globe. This success has prompted the Mother Earth News Fairs, which are held in four different locations across the U.S. each year. These fairs are family-oriented sustainable lifestyle events that offer attendees dozens of practical, hands-on demonstrations and workshops led by leading authorities on gardening, green building and transportation, natural health, renewable energy and small scale agriculture. Hank Will, Editor of Grit magazine, a member of the Ogden Publications family, will be on hand at the Puyallup Mother Earth News Fair this weekend, and says it is an event that rolls a good time and becoming informed all into one great package.
WILL: Some of the most routinely popular seminars and workshops are the kind of beginners guides to organic gardening on a small scale, or maintaining a couple of fruit trees in the yard, or even chickens in the backyard.
From surveys they've conducted Will says there seem to be a lot of people looking for the type of good base information that they'll find at the fairs.
WILL: We may have a lumber sawing demonstration or workshop using a small band saw mill, but we also have Joel Salatin and other definite keynotes talking about food issues or small agriculture issues or even business approaches. There will be some fairly famous folks there and really good speakers trying to inspire people and get people to think a little bit more deeply perhaps and feel a little bit more inspired about how we can maybe make the world a slightly better place for our grandkids and great-grandkids.
For more information on the Puyallup Mother Earth News Fair visit www.motherearthnews.com.
That's Washington Ag Today.
I'm Lacy Gray on the Ag Information Network.