Oregon Women for Agriculture Has Successful Fundraiser
Last weekend, the Oregon Women for Agriculture or OWA hosted their 27th annual fundraising auction with more than1,000 supporters in attendance from all over the state. OWA President Dona Coon sharesCoon: "This is the one fundraiser for the entire year for our organization. We are an all volunteer organization. The funds from this are what we do all of our projects with — what we fund all of our education projects.
Coon says the OWA really appreciates the support of Oregon's Ag Community and those who attended the auction.
Coon: "It is a blended mix of people and it does change from year to year but there are those who are consistent who come every single year and support us whether they come or not. That is really a wonderful feeling to know that they trust us to use the money wisely and to do as much as possible for education and to promote the industry."
Coon says that they grossed about $107,000 and after paying expenses, they will use that money for OWA programs: promoting agriculture through radio spots and bus billboards in urban areas, provide crop identification signs along major roads across the state, assist with Summer Ag Institute, fund materials to Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom, outfit a booth at the Oregon State Fair, provide sponsorship of Ag Fest and many other educational projects.