Turkey & Wine
Welcome to Vine to Wine this is your host Linda Moran. Thanksgiving is just a couple of weeks away and I decided not to wait for the annual emails asking what I recommend for wines and beverages for the Thanksgiving holiday. So let’s talk turkey!
Well of course I don’t think anything about the big Thanksgiving feast should be stressful. I mean isn’t really best when viewed as an opportunity to get together with your family and friends and enjoy one another. It seems as though everyone has their own traditions and recipes - so the logical thing to do when selecting wines is to start with what you like, and how far out of your comfort zone are you willing to go and try something new. Let’s start with the main event - the turkey – do you deep fry it, smoke it, cook it on the grill or roast it in the oven? Believe it or not that makes a difference. Where I enjoy Riesling and Gewurztraminer with an oven roasted turkey with the traditional sage dressing, I don’t enjoy it that much with the deep fried version. I actually like Chardonnay with deep fried turkey. When smoked I find a nice white