Thanksgiving Wine As a Guest

Thanksgiving Wine As a Guest

Welcome to Vine to Wine this is your host Linda Moran. Yesterday we talked about wine I recommend for the Thanksgiving feast. Today let’s talk about what wine to bring if you are a guest visiting for dinner.

In the case you have been invited to Thanksgiving dinner and you would like to bring a nice bottle of wine for the host - there are a few things to consider. Do you intend for the wine to be consumed at the meal or is it a gift for the host to save and enjoy at a later date? If it is intended for the Thanksgiving meal, select something special, say a bottle of bubbly for the arrival time chatting or a nice high end Ice Wine or Gewurztraminer to accompany dessert. These are wines that are often overlooked. If the meal is traditional perhaps a Gamay or Nouveau Beaujolais would be a crowd pleasing selection. If you intend the wine as a gift then take something you know your host will enjoy. You probably already know if they prefer red or white wine. Search out something they have perhaps never tried or if they are collectors of a particular winery perhaps you want to add to that collection. Since the holidays will be in full swing you might even consider a large format bottle such as a magnum for them to open up with a group during the season.  Whichever choice you make be certain to let the host know what you intend they do with the wine. After that it is up to them. Remember to send your wine questions to Linda at vine to wine dot net, and thanks for joining me on today’s Vine to Wine.

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