American Rancher
Remember the old nursery rhyme "the cow jumped over the moon" well California cows, those cheerful bovines on commercials are now "over the moon'.
American Rancher
Roy Roger's Trigger was once called the smartest horse in the world, but Trigger wasn't any sharper than the average equine he just knew more tricks.
American Rancher
The Animal Ag Alliance has just posted an alert, warning farmers and business owners to strengthen the security of their facilities in the wake of the release of several videos exposing extreme animal abuse.
American Rancher
Little girls love to make the sound, in fact some are quite adept at it and we have all heard it....Whinnying just like a horse and just as each child voice on the playground is unique and recognizable so are the sounds horses make,
American Rancher
A study by the Hudson Institute's Center for Global Food Issues showed beef produced by a grain and supplemental growth hormone diet results in 40 percent less greenhouse gases and saves two-thirds more land for nature than organic grass feed-beef.
American Rancher
So what would you do if you won over 200 million in the lottery? Travel the world, buy a yacht, invest in art? If you are a cowboy with a horse named Eleanor, you'd do the same thing you did the day before. Go for a good long ride.
American Rancher
Sometimes when you look at yourself, you arn't too pleased with what you see!
American Rancher
An Agri-Beef error has Washington State Cattle producers up in arms!
American Rancher
Overlooked and under appreciated are the American Ranchers contribution to perserving upland bird habitat.
American Rancher
Visit anti-beef web sites and you will find myth after myth regarding the practices of ranchers
American Rancher
There are nearly two hundred thousand unwanted horses in the USA today and I just learned an old rope horse of ours could soon be one of them
American Rancher
Opportunity to own rare five gaited horses
American Rancher
Given today's political climate, legal victories in the livestock sector are few and far between, one reason South Dakota producers are celebrating.
American Rancher
Anyone who has been around the sport of rodeo knows that injuries happen and since 1989 the Justin Boot Company has helped rodeo families cope with them.
American Rancher
Most responsible people have their financial and medical affairs in order in case of a crisis but how many of our estate plans include care for our animals?
American Rancher
A new tourism bill that just passed in the Senate could give the horse industry an economic boost.
American Rancher
The oft quoted United Nations study Livestock's Longshadow, that one that led environmentalists to believe that cattle cause more greenhouse gasses worldwide than automobiles is being hotly contested by prominent researchers
American Rancher
A county fair with handi-wipes and a hands-off animal policy, Welcome to America today!
American Rancher
If you are around rodeo stock you soon find that bulls and bucking horses have distinct personalities
American Rancher
I'm tired of politicians making comments that degrade cowboys,
American Rancher
Demand for premium hamburgers just keeps rising!
American Rancher
Nitrogen has been a stable in pasture maintenance and fertilization but application rates and timing can prove confusing even tricky.
American Rancher
Many folks don’t give horses much credit in the brain department but the equine species does have the majority of us beat when it comes to memory. Like elephants, horses have amazing recall.
American Rancher
Beef producers who have feared competition from South America and Australia might have missed the mark.