Icelandic Horse Sale Oct. 10 Trout Lake WA

Icelandic Horse Sale Oct. 10 Trout Lake WA

Susan Allen
Susan Allen


The horse world’s no different than other aspects of life. I’m Susan Allen  and like you I’m comfortable with what I am  familiar with and for the majority of NW riders that means a Quarter Horse.  But one listener invited me to an upcoming  horse sale for a rare breed October 10 at Trout Lake Washington (across the river from Hood River). Most horse lovers would consider the Icelandic horse a pony, given their height of  13 to 14 to  hands. Don’t say that to a breeder, they’ll tell you that they are stronger than big horses  because the Icelandic has 2 fewer vertebrae giving it the capacity to carry a higher percentage of it's body weight. They can pack a big rider! Dick Templeton of Red Feather Icelandic’s  host of the horse  sale, explained to me they were  once Viking war horses and because Icelandics have five gaites, they can not only carry a big person but a big person with a bad back,  given their unique smooth way of covering country. Yes they walk, trot, and canter; and they also toelt and  “flying pace” a trot that’s been beenclocked at 45 miles an hour. Icelandics  are "easy keepers" having evolved in a desolate area with unforgiving winters.  Interestingly they are calmer then the typical horse due to the fact that they don’t have much flight instinct having developed where their only predators were man. I’d still run!  For more on this spectacular breed plan on attending  the  Red Feather Icelandic Horse Sale October tenth. Hey it’s a great excuse for a fabulous fall day in beautiful  Trout Lake Washington.

Contact LInda or Dick Templeton for a sales catalog  509-395-9380 or work:541-386-7341.

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