American Rancher
Alltech for the the past six years has conducted a global feed survey. China is still ranked number one and the U.S. two, but together produce one-third of the world's animal feed.
American Rancher
Idaho gets support for wildfire mitigation...and more pressure is being put on the ports for a resolution.
American Rancher
Historically, the beef industry has always put the emphasis on a steer's finishing phase as the most critical time for marbling development. However, research is showing that weaning is also an important time to consider marbling development.
American Rancher
It comes as a complete shock to me that the best movie I have seen this year is a documentary by the name of Farmland. I usually don't watch documentaries and those I do watch have mostly bored me. I am a man who likes to see actors playing roles and movies being a great escape.
American Rancher
Foraging for food is as old as time itself, and this time of year adds to free food possibilities.
American Rancher
Wheat futures tracked the corn market higher Monday but wheat/corn spreads turned lower.
American Rancher
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has given the green light for the grisly practice of horse slaughter to resume on U.S. soil.
American Rancher
The beef cattle numbers in the United States started to drop off not with the drought of 2012 - nor even two years prior to that when the grasslands withered away in Texas and Oklahoma.
American Rancher
Wheat futures trading higher for most of the day Thursday after the USDA report was considered bullish for wheat.
American Rancher
Diets high in saturated fat can increase cholesterol and cause heart disease, while those rich in omega-3 and other polyunsaturated fatty acids may reduce the risk of heart disease, studies have shown.
American Rancher
Agribusiness Update for Monday 4/01/13
American Rancher
Life for the typical horse in the 1800's was hard. There were few horse whisperers, horses were regarded simply as tools to be broken and used hard. There were exceptions and yes there were devoted owners. One of these was Buffalo Bill Cody
American Rancher
Imagine if Wall Street or the Obama administration embraced even one of Owens ten cowboy principles
American Rancher
What famous breed of cattle was once considered a freak at the Kansas City Livestock Expo?
American Rancher
Given today's economic climate layoffs have become too common except when it comes to our horses .
American Rancher
The Northwest is renowned for its premium wine grapes and specialty coffees, before long expect that a type of beef raised in our region will be included on that list as well.
American Rancher
Check off dollars ... Ask the next rancher you meet about the beef check off program, you'll find support as varied as cattle they produce.
American Rancher
The NFL teaming up with the National Dairy Council? What kind of a game plan is that?
American Rancher
You can have your Spring with it's crocus, just give me a crisp fall day in our western mountains then color it with vine maples, aspens and tamarack.