New Beef Checkoff Products
Check off dollars ... Ask the next rancher you meet about the beef check off program, you’ll find support as varied as cattle they produce. I’m Susan Allen stay tuned to learn how those dollars can end up on your dinner table. By law all producers selling cattle or calves, for any reason and regardless of age or sex, must pay $1-per-head to support beef/veal promotion, research and information through the Beef Promotion and Research Act. So were talking a lot of money. This year’s check off budget is $42.3 million to fund thirty national programs supporting promotion, research and information while creating demand for beef. Now most of us are familiar with the beef commercials Sam Elliot made famous but surprised to learn that a good sized portion of check goes to product development. After years of testing some wonderful new meat dishes are hitting the market. Schwas is carrying the marinade-on-demand Chimichurri beef. Great concept that keeps the beef and marinade separate until the consumer is ready to use it. Since Spring Schwa's has sold over two million dollars of Chimichurri’s Another top seller is Wine and garlic flat iron steaks. That sounds sound great! In supermarket frozen sections look for Tyson’s new beef skillet dish that is low sodium. For more new beef products funded by check off dollars visit I’m Susan Allen .