I’ve talked in the past about how “dumpster diving” is no longer considered the social pariah it once was. One of the main reasons revolves around “food sharing”, where people who are appalled by the amount of edible food that gets thrown away by supermarkets on a daily basis use the internet to connect with others so they can share perfectly edible food they’ve recovered from these supermarket dumpsters. Foraging for food is as old as time itself, it’s only within the last 100 years that we’ve come to see ourselves as above this type of food finding. But with the ever rising cost of food and the rising global awareness of daily food waste such food foraging is no longer frowned upon. This time of year adds to free food possibilities when many homeowners are offering free fruit for the picking just to get it off the trees and off their lawns. Also, picking free fruit from local fruit trees is much more appealing to many people. It’s also a good way to meet the neighbor down the street. Remember though, if you haven’t been invited to pick ask permission first, pick only what you will eat, and be sure to wash it thoroughly first.