Was Buffalo Bill a Horse Whisperer?
Life for the typical horse in the 1800’s was hard. There were few horse whisperers, horses were regarded simply as tools to be broken and used hard. There were exceptions and yes there were devoted owners. One of these was Buffalo Bill Cody the flamboyant horseman who helped the world to see equines in a new light. While Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show showcased the history of the horse, it was the man himself who elevated its status. Whether William Frederick Cody was letting a Russian Grand Duke hunt off his beloved mustang, “Buffalo Bill”, ( the horse who gave him his name and sealed his reputation)or performing before hundreds on his white charger Tucker, (forever immortalized in the famous painting,) Buffalo Bill Cody honored his horses. In his performances even the bucking stock like Ta- Ra- Ra-Ra- Boom-de-ay became celebrities. Heartbroken when Charlie, an equine partner in many performances died on a sea crossing Cody lit candles throughout the ship deck and assembled the cast to sing Auld Lang Syne as old Charlie was wrapped in an American flag and lowered into the ocean. Buffalo Bill and his Wild West show has even been credited for improving relations with Britain. Apparently Queen Victoria was so overcome by beauty of western ponies and riders running with our America Flag flying that for the first time in history a British monarch stood and bowed to Old Glory and in the words of Buffalo Bill, became an “ emblem of peace and friendship to all the world.” In the end this American icon’s success can be traced back to one exceptionally trained very fast little mustang famous for chasing down buffalos .