The Unwanted Horse Dilemma Becomes Personal

The Unwanted Horse Dilemma Becomes Personal

Susan Allen
Susan Allen


There are nearly two hundred  thousand unwanted horses in the United States today  and I just learned an old rope horse of ours could soon be counted among  them. I’m Susan Allen and on today’s American Rancher the dilemma of unwanted horses becomes personal. I have patted myself on the back for my efforts to help wild horses and off track  thoroughbreds but until it became personal I had overlooked a segment of equines that merit respect; horses that have served  humans well but are unwanted simply because they are old. At 24 Smokey, the horse that taught each of my boys and countless others to rope and ride, is still sound but the trail home we found for no longer wants him.  Smokey’s options aren’t pretty.  A perfect gentleman,  he should be a candidate for a therapeutic riding program, but he’s likely  too old. Overcrowded rescue groups are turning horses away. At a sale, he’d become one of the 83,000 horses shipped to processing plants in Mexico or Canada.  The long cruel  haul alone would kill the old guy. Euthanasia is the  kindest alternative, call me a wimp but I can’t bring myself  dispose of him because of age. I am grateful his owners contacted me.  In fact the American Quarter Horse Association recently initiated the Greener  Pastures Program that gives owners who care about  the horses they sell a first right of refusal clause to aid past owners in helping to  find suitable homes for unwanted animals.  After some juggling and rearranging  Smokey will be coming home for good next week and I suspect there will be a grandbaby that will need riding lessons from a wise old teacher in the near  future. I’m Susan Allen

There are nearly two hundred thousand unwanted horses in the USA today and I just learned an old rope horse of ours could soon be one of them

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