Search: junior
27 Results
27 Results
Idaho Ag Today
IDWR Director finds shortfall in 2024 end-of-season Methodology Order
The Agribusiness Update
American Farm Bureau Federation president Zippy Duvall disappointed in Navigable Waters Protection Rule changes, and USDA's trade forecast could be record setting.
The Agribusiness Update
County fairgrounds are facing a cash crunch amid the pandemic, and Beef and Pork exports off slightly in new year.
The Agribusiness Update
The cancellation of fairs has ripple effect on youth and junior livestock events, and this year's early Easter complicates retail produce estimates.
Land & Livestock Report
The National Junior Angus Association announces Cassandra Garcia, a Washington state native as the 2016-2017 Angus Ambassador.
Land & Livestock Report
Last week the National Jr Angus Association held their national show in Grand Island, Nebraska.
Colorado Ag Today
There is an upcoming educational opportunity for anyone involved in showing and fitting cattle. The Stock Show University is a free clinic for both youth and adults compliments of Sullivan Supply.
Farm of the Future
Some of the biggest supporters of the 4-H and FFA Jr Livestock Shows can be found sitting around the sales ring come sale day.
Land & Livestock Report
There is an exciting opportunity for National Junior Angus Association members who interested in possible future careers in journalism, marketing or photography during this summer's National Junior Angus Show.
Land & Livestock Report
One of my favorite aspects of my job as an ag reporter is interviewing inspiring young people who are involved in the ag industry. While at the National Junior Angus Association's LEAD conference last week, I had the opportunity to meet and visit with NJAA retiring Board Member and Vice Chair Shane Kerner.
Land & Livestock Report
Last week nearly 200 National Junior Angus Members from around the country came to Seattle for a Leadership Conference.
Land & Livestock Report
Angus enthusiasts of all ages are in Tulsa, OK this week for the 2015 National Junior Angus Show.
Land & Livestock Report
The Junior National Hereford Expo was held in Grand Island, Nebraska recently where more than 800 exhibitors from 39 states exhibited their Hereford cattle. These national junior shows a wonderful place for youth and their families to participate.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Several hundred irrigators in the eastern and north central part of the state will be facing water cutoffs much earlier than normal this year due to the drought.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Ag industry leaders discuss the importance of Trade Promotion Authority in making trade agreements, and the ability to efficiently and quickly export product with administration officials, and Yakima Basin farmers learn about emergency water permits at Ecology workshop.
Land & Livestock Report
Each year a national junior leadership conference, called LEAD (Leaders Engaged in Angus Development) is held. This conference moves around the country to give more juniors the opportunity to participate. This is the first time it has been in the far West and will be held August 6 through 9th in Seattle.
Fruit Grower Report
What will the 2015 tree fruit season be like? It's any ones guess.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Hop industry sees resurgence, Yakima Basin junior water right holders now expected to receive only 60% of their normal water, and bill that removes excise tax on processors and producers of recreational marijuana and instead imposes the tax strictly on retail sales passes the Senate.