AHA Moment in Ag Pt 2

AHA Moment in Ag Pt 2

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. Being skeptical about the future and the rapid changes we see every day in agriculture is perfectly fine and probably a healthy way of looking at things.

But, Global futurist and best-selling author, Jack Uldrich, speaking at the 2025 Potato Expo in Orlando, said the danger comes when we become too cynical …

ULDRICH … “Skeptics, at least, keep an open mind and say, what don’t I know, how might the world change, how might I use some of these technologies? The problem with cynics is they think they know the answer and they shut themselves off to these new technologies.”

So, Uldrich says, your skepticism is welcome, but …

ULDRICH … “We can’t afford to be cynical, and I think that too many people miss the future just because they think the world’s going to stay pretty much the same.”

Moving forward, Uldrich says we all need to figure out how to keep up …

ULDRICH … “The greatest change out there today is the rate of change itself and our world is accelerating. Whether we like this or not, this is our world. It’s our challenge, but it’s also our opportunity to increase our yields, to lower our input costs, to find new markets, to innovate in some unexpected ways.”

Uldrich says the truth is that today’s “cutting edge” technologies are moving into the mainstream at a breakneck pace, and today’s science fiction will soon be our science-based reality.

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