Pear Marketing Pt 1

Pear Marketing Pt 1

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. Now that Pear Bureau Northwest’s new President and CEO, CarrieAnn Arias has a few months under her belt, plans for the new year are taking shape.

Arias says marketing our pears needs to get a bit more creative …

ARIAS … “I think consumers naturally understand that produce is healthy. I don’t think we have to tell them a whole heck of a lot. During COVID, the idea of selling based on nutrition was really valuable, but it had died before then. Consumers kind of didn’t want you to tell them that. It was almost like you were pandering to them. But COVID changed that language back to a nutrition and strong language.”

But Arias says there’s more to making them appealing than that …

ARIAS … “And while I think benefits are a part of marketing, I think there has to be more to it than that. I mean, fruits and vegetables have to become sexy again, quite frankly. It really does. It’s something that, packaged food gets that. They get to do that. They have the whole package to advertise flavor and experience, and we have a little tiny sticker. If we’re lucky, we have a bag.”

So again, Arias says creativity and new angles are key …

ARIAS … “So, finding a way to communicate to consumers without having all that real estate that the center of the grocery store does will always be a challenge in the produce industry.”

Tune in tomorrow for more on image building for pears and some challenges.

Next ReportPear Marketing Pt 2