Pear Marketing Pt 2

Pear Marketing Pt 2

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. Pears are a tasty and healthy fruit. That’s no secret. But educating consumers on how to really understand and use those benefits isn’t easy in the produce business.

CarrieAnn Arias, President and CEO at Pear Bureau Northwest, says colors and varieties can be a bit confusing …

ARIAS … “When you start getting into green-slash-yellow, right, they come together a little bit, but I mean a Bartlett looks really, really different than like a Comice. But then you get the red pears, and they are all in the same swimming pool. And I think part of it is consumers don’t understand it, certainly produce people should, but they definitely don’t seem to.”

So, Arias says red pears will be getting some much-needed attention …

ARIAS … “We have actually a campaign coming up to do education around red pears because we have had commentary of like, oh, what kind of an apple is that.”

In the near-term, Arias says there will be some fun with pears …

ARIAS … “We certainly have the red pear campaign coming up. It’s also ‘Heart Health Month’ in February. It is also Oregon’s birthday in February, and there are some new things up our sleeve because the pear is the State Fruit of Oregon. So, there are some pretty cool culinary things in the works for the state of Oregon for their birthday.”

To learn more about pears as well as some delicious recipes, go to their website at

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