Lame Duck Farm Bill Pt 1

Lame Duck Farm Bill Pt 1

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. As we watch the post-election, lame duck Congress wrap up business for this session, some are hopeful and others hopeless at the chance of getting a new Farm Bill done.

Syngenta’s Senior Manager of Federal Government and Industry Relations, Mary Kay Thatcher says she’s doubtful …

THATCHER … “It would be wonderful. I mean, certainly, we’re, you know, a year-and-a-half in. I’m not a big believer. I mean, I think the members of Congress still have to say, yes, we can, we can, but I don’t think we can.”

And with holiday season upon us, Thatcher says the clock is ticking …

THATCHER … “And you know, they’ve got to pass twelve appropriations bills. They haven’t passed a single one. They’ve got to pass the National Defense Authorization Act. And then, I think they’re going to get to a weather disaster package. I mean, I think these last two hurricanes sort of threw people over the edge on having to have funds out for that. And you do that, and you do leadership elections, I think time is about over. You know, people won’t miss Christmas at home with the family.”

And Thatcher’s not sure Senate Ag Chair Debbie Stabenow really needs this on her resume …

THATCHER … “You know, there are people who say, oh, she needs to leave a legacy. Well, she’s already left a big legacy. I mean, she’s been a huge supporter of conservation programs, and specialty crops, and regular production agriculture too, so I’ve never really felt like her leaving a legacy was a reason to get it done.”

Tune in tomorrow for more on chances of a Lame Duck Farm Bill.

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