Vive and Regenerative Ag Pt 2
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. There are plenty of new and improved tools and ways farmers go about producing our food, and Vive Crop Protection wants to help.Vive’s Jonathan Adamson says he is pleased to be apart of the system that is learning and growing so quickly …
ADAMSON … “And there’s a demand. I mean growers are needing solutions. The stuff that we’ve been doing for the last 20, 30, 40 years, you now, some of those things just aren’t working as well as they used to, and the cost to them is not, you know, advantageous.”
It’s all about, Adamson says new and better solutions …
ADAMSON … “Along with that comes solid data. You know, and I think that’s what’s helped our company be successful is we’ve gone out, as a newer company and able to provide solid, consistent data, and farms are relying on those kinds of things to make good decisions that, you know, impact their R.O.I.”
Adamson says he truly enjoys ag industry folks …
ADAMSON … “I had a gentleman tell me years ago, if you’re not growing, you’re dying, and I think that’s, as an industry, we’ve got to continue to grow and learn new ways to do things a little bit better.”
Adamson says good things are happening …
ADAMSON … “And I like that we’re making more of an impact on the awareness and I think the more we can do that, the better overall it’s going to be as well.”
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