FWMA Reintroduced Pt 2
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with today’s Fruit Grower Report. Never say die! That’s the feeling after the reintroduction in the House of Representatives of the labor reform bill called the Farm Workforce Modernization Act.I asked one of the sponsors, Sunnyside Republican, Dan
Newhouse if there’s a little more understanding on the Senate side this third time through to help pass the legislation? …
NEWHOUSE … “You know, it’s maybe two different things. It’s absolutely that, recognizing that the labor shortage is a huge issue. But also, there’s a big concern, as you know, with the situation at our southern border, particularly.”
The border issues, Newhouse says will still play a role …
NEWHOUSE … “Looking for ways to improve our ability to control our southern border, I think, is a big factor in whether or not people can support changes to our visa laws, our agricultural labor laws to allow legal immigration.”
Newhouse says it won’t be easy, but it’s necessary …
NEWHOUSE … “So, it’s kind of a two-pronged approach. We’re trying to do all we can to improve the situation at the southern border while opening up the legal ability for people to come to this country and work. And so, all of the sudden it gets very complicated and that’s the hurdle that we’re trying to get over in the Senate.”
Newhouse says the bill that’s passed twice before in the House, will face its third time through, so now it’s up to the Senate to bring it home.