Search: reform
205 Results
205 Results
Fruit Grower Report
Rod Larew, president of the National Farmers Union, says with ag workforce challenges on everybody’s mind these days, H-2A reform is possible.
Fruit Grower Report
Kate Tynan, Senior Vice President at the Northwest Horticultural Council, says on the list of problems in agriculture, wage growth and labor costs are by far the biggest.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Political changes at the federal level are expected, but here in Washington, we’ll have a new Governor in Bob Ferguson, but Pam Lewison, Ag Director at the Washington Policy Center says, how different that will be remains to be seen.
Fruit Grower Report
Kate Tynan, Senior Vice President at the Northwest Horticultural Council, says on the list of problems in agriculture, wage growth and labor costs are by far the biggest.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Political changes at the federal level are expected, but here in Washington, we’ll have a new Governor in Bob Ferguson, but Pam Lewison, Ag Director at the Washington Policy Center says, how different that will be remains to be seen.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Representative, and new member of the House Ag Committee, Dan Newhouse says he’ll keep pushing for his Farm Workforce Modernization Act in the new session of Congress.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
As the clock in the lame duck session of Congress ticks away, priorities for the agricultural industry don’t appear to be at the top of the list.
Fruit Grower Report
Rod Larew, president of the National Farmers Union, says with ag workforce challenges on everybody’s mind these days, H-2A reform is possible.
California Ag Today
Each year, members of Congress take time during the month of August to return to their home districts and hear directly from constituents.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Each year, members of Congress take time during the month of August to return to their home districts and hear directly from constituents.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. Hard Red Winter Wheat exports are forecast down 10 million bushels to the lowest since records began in 1973-74, and the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture advocate to give the USDA more authority to be flexible in serving farmers and ranchers.
Fruit Grower Report
Is the “third time a charm?” Well, U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse and others who reintroduced the Farm Workforce Modernization Act in the House recently certainly hope so.
Fruit Grower Report
Is the “third time a charm?” Well, U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse and others who reintroduced the Farm Workforce Modernization Act in the House recently certainly hope so.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Labor is consistently a top concern for U.S. agriculture and the focus of the House Ag Committee and the new Agricultural Labor Working Group.
California Ag Today
Although immigration policy reform took a big step forward in 2021, the House couldn’t get it across the finish line before the new congress. Western Congressman Mike Simpson says it’s going to take a grassroots effort to get farm labor reform passed in Washington.
The Agribusiness Update
California Farm Bureau is calling for increasing the pace and scale of forest management, and the Ocean Shipping Reform Implementation Act is designed to help with slowdowns and other issues at U.S. ports.
The Agribusiness Update
32,000 workers were hired directly by farms in the Southeast Region, and the Ocean Shipping Reform Implementation Act is designed to help with slowdowns and other issues at U.S. ports.
Fruit Grower Report
The Secure Border Act of 2023 has passed in the House and now moves on to the Senate and Representative Dan Newhouse says he voted for it because it includes both border security and ag workforce reform.
Fruit Grower Report
The Secure Border Act of 2023 has passed in the House and now moves on to the Senate and Representative Dan Newhouse says he voted for it because it includes both border security and ag workforce reform.
California Ag Today
Although immigration policy reform took a big step forward in 2021, the House couldn’t get it across the finish line before the new congress. Western Congressman Mike Simpson says it’s going to take a grassroots effort to get farm labor reform passed in Washington.