Access to Farmland Data
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Investing in farmland is a risky but potentially rewarding decision. AcreTrader’s director of farm operations Rob Moore says their new product Acres makes farmland data easy to interpret, and helps users find the questions that need to be answered.
Moore… “I think what was a little bit unique about Acres when it really started to expand and become it’s own standalone entity was that there’s an intense focus on cleaning that data. Right, so you buy your CoreLogic data set - that’s just a starting spot. There’s so much bloat and so many potential pitfalls when you think about large data sets that you’re purchasing. The value for me is the ability to quickly sort and then transpose, so I can switch back and forth quickly between layers, see how they interact, and then ultimately that is driving the correct question that I can then take back to the operator and say, “Hey, you know I’m seeing some historical issues with flooding in the Southeast corner. A historical image from 2017 shows that it looks like some tile was installed, can you please get me a tile map and some context on how that impacted yield history?” That’s a very specific example of something that would’ve taken me potentially 4-6 hours to track down and go through all the data that I need to get there that I’m able to do in a couple of minutes.”
Acres offers access to their tool for free at