Biden's Immigration Reform and Ag Urges Quick Confirmation of Vilsack
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**On his first day in office, President Biden introduced ambitious immigration reform legislation that seeks to legalize millions of undocumented workers.
But, reports, those reforms need to be approved by Congress, and that won’t be easy.
Biden also withdrew the Trump Administration’s just published final rule, largely supported by grower advocates, on H-2A reforms aimed to modernize and simplify regulations.
Congress failed to pass similar reforms proposed by President Obama in 2013.
**A coalition of nearly 130 leading U.S. food and agriculture associations is calling for the swift confirmation of Tom Vilsack to serve as Secretary of Agriculture.
According to, in a letter sent to the Senate Ag Committee, the groups cite Secretary Vilsack's vision for meeting the substantial current challenges of food and agriculture and submit his previous tenure in the post will benefit consumers everywhere. - Food And Ag Industry Calls For The Confirmation Of Thomas Vilsack As Sec'y Of Agriculture
**A measure passed by California voters last fall could complicate the transfer of family farms from one generation to the next.
Proposition 19 affects taxes on homes and inherited property.
The California Farm Bureau says the measure could trigger a partial property tax reassessment of an inherited farm or ranch, depending on property value and other factors.
Farm Bureau wants clarification on the measure’s impact.