Search: undocumented
24 Results
24 Results
Fruit Grower Report
The President-elect’s threat of a blanket deportation of all undocumented immigrants has the agricultural industry a little nervous about what that could mean for the workforce. U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse gives us his take on the matter.
Fruit Grower Report
The President-elect’s threat of a blanket deportation of all undocumented immigrants has the agricultural industry a little nervous about what that could mean for the workforce. U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse gives us his take on the matter.
Fruit Grower Report
Pam Lewison, Ag Director at the Washington Policy Center, says there are ways to address both immigration AND the need for labor.
Fruit Grower Report
Pam Lewison, Ag Director at the Washington Policy Center, says there are ways to address both immigration AND the need for labor.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA is investing another $1-billion dollars for the Emergency Food Assistance Program, and American Farm Bureau Federation urges Biden Administration to address surge of undocumented immigrants crossing border.
The Agribusiness Update
President Biden's ambitious immigration reform faces uphill battle, and Ag groups urge quick confirmation of Tom Vilsack as Ag Secretary.
The Agribusiness Update
Georgia Farm Bureau honored with many awards at the American Farm Bureau Federation Virtual Convention, and President Biden's Immigration Reform faces uphill battle.
The Agribusiness Update
The U.S. and Guatemala work to boost H-2A workers from that country, and a judge drastically reduces a Roundup judgement against Bayer AG.
Fruit Grower Report
WAFLA to hold Labor Conference January 18th in Wenatchee.
Fruit Grower Report
The U.S. House of Representatives is considering a bill called the American Guestworker Act which would create an H-2C visa program to replace H-2A.
Fruit Grower Report
The U.S. House of Representatives is considering a bill reforming the foreign guestworker visa program.
Fruit Grower Report
The H2-A program is the only guest worker program producers have for getting the hands they need but it's not a very good one.
Fruit Grower Report
One of the largest immigration fines in the northwest should be a wakeup call for fruit industry.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
State DOE representative testifies during recent WOTUS hearing, and WAFLA webinars help growers understand DAPA and DACA, President Obama's Executive Actions that will make many undocumented immigrants eligible for status adjustments this spring.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The President's immigration executive actions will be the subject of a live 1 hour webinar WAFLA will be conducting Thursday, March 12.
Fruit Grower Report
Looking for some answers regarding the recent immigration changes?
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Opening the door to U.S. citizenship for more than eleven million undocumented immigrants, while improving border security.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Free Spanish language meetings are being provided to explain proposed immigration program, and Washington celebrates Farmers Market Week.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Field trials conducted to identify vegetable varieties suitable for organic production, and free labor webinar coming up.