Weighing In On WOTUS & Understanding DAPA and DACA
Weighing In On WOTUS & Understanding DAPA and DACAI'm Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.
Josh Baldi, Regional Director with the Washington State Department of Ecology, was one of those testifying at the recent Senate Agriculture hearing in D.C. on the Waters of the U.S. Rule proposed nearly a year ago by the EPA.
BALDI: From Washington State's perspective we would like them to do additional work on the rule before it is finalized. We anticipate more interaction and again that's why we have called for these regional discussions, regional definitions with the federal agencies.
Ten witnesses from Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, North Dakota, and Washington testified on the proposed rule and the potential effects it could have on their states. Over the past year the proposed WOTUS rule has ignited widespread concern from farmers, ranchers, landowners, small businesses and rural communities around the country.
On March 31 WAFLA will be hosting two one hour webinars to help growers understand how DAPA and DACA, President Obama's Executive Actions that will make many undocumented immigrants eligible for status adjustments this spring, might impact seasonal growers. Experienced immigration and business attorney Tom Roach will be discussing DAPA and DACA eligibility, employer responsibilities, and best practices which can insulate your business from a charge of knowingly hiring an undocumented worker. For more information and to register for the webinar visit wafla.org.
That's Washington Ag Today.
I'm Lacy Gray with the Ag Information Network of the West.