Organic Performance & Labor Webinar
Not all carrots are created equal, and that goes for varieties of sweet corn, broccoli, snap peas and winter squash; at least when it comes to how each perform under organic production conditions.The Northern Organic Variety Improvement Collaborative, a USDA Organic Research and Extension Institute funded project, consisting of researchers from Washington, Oregon, Wisconsin, and Minnesota universities, has just released the results from field trials conducted in 2011 to identify vegetable varieties suitable for organic production. WSU Seed Extension Specialist, John Navazio, shares some of the desired traits NOVIC breeders are looking for in carrots.
NAVAZIO: First of all you have to have a market acceptable carrot. The fresh market for organic carrots generally goes with a Nantes type of blunt tubular carrot - has to have good flavor, has to be sweet, and then of course everybody loves a crisp carrot.
Trials will continue in 2012, and 13 with each of the trials throughout the country including five standard crops. Local farmers can recommend additional crops to be included in the trials, as an example - Washington state growers suggested beets.
Make it a plan tomorrow to be at your computer 11 a.m. to noon. That’s when Washington Farm labor Association members can take part in a free webinar explaining the option to obtain legal work status for individuals that are in undocumented status. Visit for more information.
I’m Lacy Gray and that’s Washington Ag Today on the Northwest Ag Information Network.