Search: extension
327 Results
327 Results
Idaho Ag Today
University of Idaho will host the 57th annual Idaho Potato Conference Jan. 22-23, offering the latest research and news in the potato industry.
Idaho Ag Today
University of Idaho Extension has published a new bulletin to help potato farmers recognize the symptoms of bacterial rot and protect their operations.
Idaho Ag Today
A University of Idaho Extension-led team is now accepting in-state applications for two U.S. Department of Agriculture grants.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
As the clock in the lame duck session of Congress ticks away, priorities for the agricultural industry don’t appear to be at the top of the list.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
As the clock in the lame duck session of Congress ticks away, priorities for the agricultural industry don’t appear to be at the top of the list.
Idaho Ag Today
Registration will be open through Dec. 13 for an annual University of Idaho Extension seminar featuring presentations on input cost analysis.
Idaho Ag Today
Calling all veterans who happen to be interested in farming. Military veterans. Are you interested in farming or ranching in Idaho? There's a place.
Idaho Ag Today
The University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) has raised more than $3.2 million from stakeholders toward an endowment.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says time’s up to decide if there will or won’t be a new farm bill this year. He told members of the American Farmland Trust time is of the essence. We need a farm bill now!
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Farm bill challenges will not go away in 2025 if Congress has to punt again on the top farming legislation, according to one American Farm Bureau official.
The Agribusiness Update
Now that the farm bill extension reached its deadline, what’s next, and the September Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer hit its lowest readings since March 2016.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Now that the farm bill extension reached its deadline on Monday, what’s next?
The Agribusiness Update
The University of Florida Extension will be holding the Orchard Crop Diversification Field Day October 23rd in Quincy, and a bipartisan group of Senators are calling on the administration to protect America’s dairy industry.
Fruit Grower Report
Washington Republican Dan Newhouse says he’s feeling a bit more optimistic about getting a new Farm Bill passed than he was before the August recess.
Fruit Grower Report
Washington Republican Dan Newhouse says he’s feeling a bit more optimistic about getting a new Farm Bill passed than he was before the August recess.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Economic conditions on the farm are getting worse, yet Congress has failed to pass a new farm bill.