Florida Ag Expo Cancelled and Georgia Pecans to Storage
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**Florida Ag Expo, the annual trade show with educational seminars for vegetable and specialty crop growers, has decided to forego its 2020 event.
Hosted at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, the Florida Ag Expo is an annual, one-day gathering of growers and industry members.
Due to the pandemic, event officials tell
agrimarketing.com, we have cancelled this year's Florida
Ag Expo, but look forward to next year’s expo at the regularly scheduled date, November 17th.
**Facing lower than expected, or wanted, prices, many Georgia pecan growers are putting theirs in warehouses or cold storage until the price settles and they can get them moved and sold.
According to agfax.com, growers are currently busy trying to stay ahead of the weather and getting pecans off the trees.
The season got off to an early start and growers are not yet ready to push the panic button, hoping to see the
export market open up a bit.
**Blueberries have been growing at a rapid clip at retail, according to the United Fresh Produce Association’s FreshFacts second quarter report.
According to thepacker.com, FreshFacts reported sales of $584 million, up 10.6% from the second quarter of 2019 and 17.1% from two years ago.
Retail blueberry volume sold in the second quarter was 159 million pounds, up 6.9% from last year, and 19.8% from 2018.