FMC is Chemistry Pt 1
I’m Bob Larson. Advancing Chemistry to advance agriculture. That’s the latest message from FMC as they move forward following some major acquisitions.Ryan Carter Locke, Industry Relations Manager at FMC, says it’s not so much a new direction, but definitely a revitalization of their commitment to innovation in agriculture …
LOCKE … “We acquired the Dupont assets here in 2017 which brought us back to being a primary discovery organization, which is of course flag shipped by our global R&D facility, the Stine Center in Northern Delaware. So, we’re really, actively engaging our customers to let them know that there’s a new FMC with an expanded portfolio and we’re really interested in engaging and bringing solutions to them.”
Keeping in mind, Locke says the key word in what they do is “chemistry” …
LOCKE … “The key word is “chemistry.” We are the only
Tier One organization directly devoted to chemical innovation, crop protection innovation. We don’t have seed or traits portfolio, so every dollar that we are spending in our R&D pipeline is devoted to that end, to bring new solutions to the farmer not tied to a trait or a seed package so that they have the freedom to really do what works best for the issues that they’re facing.”
Locke says it’s exciting times at FMC and for the farmers they work with.
Tune in tomorrow for more FMC’s transition and the direction they’re headed with more outstanding offerings in the years ahead.