Washington Potato Trade Pt 2
I'm Bob Larson. Washington already produce more high-quality potatoes per acre than anywhere else in the world, but stakeholders aren't thinking of slowing down when it comes to improving yield and quality.The Washington Potato Commission's Matthew Blua says these days soil health is at the top of their list when it comes to even better production ...
BLUA ... "We're doing a few things with regard to improving soil health and stewardship and we are organizing a Potato Soil Health Summit with Andrew McGuire from WSU Extension. And the first day or so will feature presentations from researchers involved in ag soils. And the second day will feature a grower panel discussion and small breakout group discussions on various that we identified in our panel discussions. This will take place December 5th and 6th. It will be at Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake."
And there's still time if you'd like to attend ...
BLUA ... "They can contact me at the Washington State Potato Commission or go online and look for the Washington State University potato site and I'm sure they'll advertise there."
Blua says they're working on other things to improve soil health as well ...
BLUA ... "We are also investing and examining the impact of cover crops over time to improve potato soils. And, we are in the beginning stages of investigating the potential of creating the Washington State University endowed chair in soil health."
And the good news ... with this year's harvest expected to run through late October or early November, the potato crop looks to be about a half ton above the average yield.