First Time Hemp Growers
First Time Hemp GrowersFarmers across many parts of Rural America are looking into the possibility of growing hemp as a cash crop for the future.
Joseph Sisk is a Hemp grower, and has some advise for other potential growers.
He says - if you want to grow hemp - first you should establish stable markets and find reputable companies to work with before planting the first seed.
Hemp is popular right now with farmers who have been struggling, especially in the midst of the trade war with China, hemp could be used to stem some of their losses.
The Hemp Industries Association (HIA) is a non-profit trade association representing more than one-thousand (1,000) supporters, farmers and business members serving the hemp industries since 1994.
HIA is the official training program partner of the U.S. Hemp Authority™ Certification Program and will soon announce all dates & locations for next year's trainings.